Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Anti Aging Cream Advertisments

Jay Scariano
English 110


            In an aging cream advertisement, it is usually good to show that the product is working on a good looking lady with smooth skin.  On my first advertisement, the woman is older with wrinkled or "bad" skin.  Normally, in order to entice people to buy your aging cream product, there should be an example of it working.  However in the 1st image it seems that the company that is advertising its product didn’t find someone suitable enough to sell their product to the costumer, but they could have had another reason for using this lady. For example when we think of anti-aging creams we usually think of an attractive woman modeling the product. Since most anti-aging creams have that type of woman modeling for them it doesn’t catch the eye of the consumer from all the other anti-aging cream models. But if they had an old woman advertising it, it would stand out from all the other advertising companies using the same tactic. The company was trying an advertisement campaign that would be a little different than the social norm. It would certainly be an effective tactic to use an old lady to advertise the product because that would make the consumer take an extra second to look at what they are advertising.  The advertisement does not fit our social norms or our idea of what an aging creme should do for us. An advantage of this ad could be the shock value it has on those looking at, causing them to remember the product.

            In my second image the woman is clearly older, yet has very clean and clear skin as seen in the advertisement.  This would be considered a "normal" anti-aging cream advertisement.  The woman in the this advertisement looks as if she has used the product and it is working  well for her.  She seems to have used this product many times before and it is clearly showing because of the fact that she has her autograph on the advertisement on the bottom left hand corner. This company seems to be taking pretty women and using them as models for their product. This fits the social norm in that it is probably the most common advertisement tactic in terms of promoting anti-aging cream.  The company got an attractive woman to sponsor their product and make it look good.  This works in that it shows the effects that their product has on people such as her. When people see that the anti-aging products results when comparing it to other anti-aging companies they start to lean toward the women with the most beauty in order to make themselves feel pretty.  In many cases, companies will get the most attractive people in order to promote their products.  For example, you never see a person with bad frizzy hair for shampoo commercials, you see a beautiful actress or singer with amazing hair promoting the products.  This advertisement definitely fits the social norm, as well as catches the attention of consumers because of the attractive older lady with very nice smooth skin.
      In advertisement 3, the product is used as an anti-aging cream in order to help promote facial lifting in less than 8 weeks.  This advertisement is good because it states that you can see measurable lift without having to under go any type of surgery.  The advertisement fits the social norm in that it has an older looking attractive female smiling. The woman is older because this product is targeting older women that want to lose wrinkles and improve their skin. The measuring stick is a good improvising measure by the company in that it shows the measurement at 8 inches, while the product says 8 weeks so they used the same number thereby making it simpler. This is in order to make the consumer use their minds to problem solve the question about why she is using a measuring stick. The woman in the advertisement is middle aged, therefore hitting the target age group of the consumers. This is a very effective tactic by the producer and company in that people are more liable to buy something while seeing someone near or at their age sporting it, so they can have a better idea about how it will work.  The woman in the advertisement makes the consumer feel good about their decision. People feel better about a product when the image a company puts on is someone that is similar to the target group of people buying the product.